Nursery Information 2024-25
Please see the table below for an outline of this year's curriculum for Nursery.
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AUTUMN 1 Me and My Community |
AUTUMN 2 Once Upon a Time |
Quality Texts | Once There Were Giants by Martin Waddle Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert We're Going on a Leaf Hunt |
Goldilocks Little Red Riding Hood The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Little Pigs Cinderella Rapunzel The Jolly Postman |
Communication and Language | Listening, attention and understanding: Responding to name; following simple instructions. Speaking: Using simple sentences, Communicating basic needs to adults and peers. |
Listening, attention and understanding: To sit and listen during activities Speaking: Holding simple conversations with adults and peers. |
Key Vocabulary | Body parts Senses Feelings Autumn Occupations |
Fireworks Colours Shapes Christmas |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PHSE) | Self-regulation: Settling in, separating from main carer Managing self: Toileting and handwashing. Building relationships: with new peers and new adults |
Self-regulation: Settling in, separating from main carer. Managing self: managing clothing independently for outdoors Building relationships: Learning how to share and take turns with resources and play with other children |
Physical Development | Gross motor skills: Moving in different ways & moving with confidence and co-ordination. Fine motor skills: Building strength and dexterity; making changes to malleable materials. Ongoing: access to climbing and balancing equipment, wheeled toys, small and large construction, balls, finger gym, yoga, music and movement |
Gross motor skills: Moving in different ways; climbing and balancing; using equipment safely. Fine motor skills: Work on hand exercises eg. Pincer movements; making changes to malleable materials. Ongoing: access to climbing and balancing equipment, wheeled toys, small and large construction, balls, finger gym, yoga, music and movement |
Literacy | Comprehension; Joining in with repeated phrases in familiar stories and rhymes. Word reading: Recognising name. Writing: Develop an interest in mark making. Phonics: Environmental sounds. Joining in with repeated phrases in familiar stories and rhymes. Ongoing access to book corner, puppets, role play, story sacks, story CDs, writing tools, name cards, malleable materials, puzzles |
Comprehension: Joining in with repeated phrases in familiar stories and rhymes; story talk- characters, settings and events. Word reading: Recognising name. Writing: Controlled mark making. Phonics: Instrumental sounds; Body percussion. Ongoing access to book corner, puppets, role play, story sacks, story CDs, writing tools, name cards, malleable materials, puzzles |
Mathematics | Number rhymes and songs Numbers in the environment Counting spontaneously in play Counting-like behaviour Size: Big and small Shape and space- construction |
Number rhymes and songs- finger counting Counting, numerals and subitising to three. Patterns Positional language. Time- daily routine; sequencing "now" "next" Shape and space- construction Size: length, height and capacity |
Understanding the World | Past and present: Changes as we grow. People culture and communities: Ourselves and our families; our school community; People who help us (occupations) The natural world: Our body; Our 5 Senses; Autumn; Planting Spring bulbs. Ongoing access to indoor and outdoor provision in all weathers, natural materials, toys with moving parts, sensory play, sand and water, pond and minibeast areas |
Past and present: Sources of light; Kings and queens; Castles and towers. People culture and communities: Celebrations and festivals The natural world: Sources of light; materials Ongoing access to indoor and outdoor provision in all weathers, natural materials, toys with moving parts, sensory play, sand and water, pond and minibeast areas |
Expressive Arts and Design | Creating with materials: Self-portraits and family pictures; Clay hedgehogs; natural objects art Being imaginative and expressive: Exploring materials with our senses; Home role play; People who help us role play Ongoing access to a variety of mark making tools, craft resources, malleable materials, role play, small world toys and musical instruments for child led learning |
Creating with materials: Building castles and towers; shiny and sparkly collage; World Nursery Rhyme Week; Bonfire night art, craft and music; Remembrance day art. Christmas crafts & cards. Being imaginative and expressive: Exploring colour, shape, sound and pattern; traditional tales role play; Christmas performance Ongoing access to a variety of mark making tools, craft resources, malleable materials, role play, small world toys and musical instruments for child led learning |
Religious Education (RE) | God's Family The Good Samaritan People who Help us Harvest Ongoing: Daily prayers and collective worship |
Celebrations Christmas |
PSHE Jigsaw | Being Me in my World | Celebrating Difference Antibullying week (friendships) |
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SPRING 1 Starry Night |
SPRING 2 Dinosaurs Puddles and Rainbows Spring & Easter |
Quality Texts | Peace at Last by Jill Murphy Whatever Next! By Jill Murphy Night Monkey, Day Monkey by Julia Donaldson How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers Owl Babies by Martin Waddell Penguin Small by Mick Inkpen The Gruffalo's Child by Julia Donaldson |
Dinosaur Roar! by Henrietta Strickland Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas |
Communication and Language | Listening, attention and understanding: Understanding who, what, when, where questions. Speaking: Listening with increased attention and recall. |
Listening, attention and understanding: Beginning to follow more complex instructions. Speaking: recall of stories and events in more detail. |
Key Vocabulary | Light and Dark Day and night Space Winter Weather |
Dinosaurs Colours Feelings Weather Spring Easter |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PHSE) | Self-regulation: Exploring feelings. Managing self: Follow boundaries and routines. Building relationships: Building and extending friendship groups - inclusion Dental health |
Self-regulation: Accepting the needs of others and tolerating a delay. Managing self: Changing behaviour for different situations. Building relationships: Showing kindness to others. Keeping Healthy |
Physical Development |
Gross motor skills: Negotiating space successfully; Balancing. Snipping with scissors. |
Gross motor skills: Throwing and catching; ball skills. Building confidence and skills to use one-handed equipment |
Literacy |
Comprehension; Using stories in their play. Noticing words in the environment. |
Comprehension; Creating their own stories in play with props; Express thoughts about shared stories; talk about favourite stories. Word reading: Noticing words in the environment. Writing: Making marks for name. Phonics: Voice sounds. Ongoing access to book corner, puppets, role play, story sacks, story CDs, writing tools, name cards, malleable materials, puzzles |
Mathematics |
Number songs and rhymes Seasons |
Number songs and rhymes Showing fingers for amounts- counting aloud Counting reliably to five saying one number name for each item in order Compare two quantities "more" and "fewer" Cardinal principle (Last number reached tells you how many) Talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes using informal and then mathematical language Identifying and talking about patterns in the environment Measures: Length |
Understanding the World |
Past and present: Space discoveries. Polar lands. Light and Dark; shadows; Polar lands; freezing and melting |
Past and present: Dinosaurs Easter and Spring festivals Puddles and rainbows; Spring bulbs- observations |
Expressive Arts and Design | Creating with materials: Starry night themed crafts; exploring patterns in nature Being imaginative and expressive: Polar lands role play Ongoing access to a variety of mark making tools, craft resources, malleable materials, role play, small world toys and musical instruments for child led learning |
Creating with materials: Dinosaur fossils; exploring colour mixing; natural objects art; patterns and colours in nature feelings role play; Easter and spring songs |
Religious Education (RE) | Being thankful How Jesus helped people Ongoing: Daily prayers and collective worship |
Spring Festivals Palm Sunday Zaccheus Mother's day |
PSHE Jigsaw | Dreams and Goals | Healthy Me! |
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TERM | SUMMER 1 Sunshine & Flowers Creep, Crawl, Wriggle. |
SUMMER 2 Big Wide World |
Quality Texts | The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle Superworm by Julia Donaldson I can Grow a Sunflower by DK Shark in the Park by Nick Sharratt |
All are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold Welcome to our World by Moira Butterfield Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne A is for Africa by Ifeoma Onyefulu Tidy by Emily Gravett Clean up! by Nathan Byron Mr Gumpy's Outing by John Burningham You Choose by Pippa Goodhart Commotion in the Ocean by Gile Andrea |
Communication and Language |
Listening, attention and understanding: Extended vocabulary |
Listening, attention and understanding: Using a wide range of vocabulary during activities and experiences |
Key Vocabulary | Growing Life cycles Plants Animals Shadows & reflections |
Features of the natural world Places Under the sea Transport Summer |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PHSE) | Self-regulation: Exploring and managing own feelings in different situations. Managing self: To take care of own needs. Building relationships: Working together, sharing ideas and opinions |
Self-regulation: Transition to reception- changes and moving on Managing self: Standing up for ourselves; Adapting to change Building relationships: Resolving conflicts |
Physical Development | Gross motor skills: Teddy tennis. Fine motor skills: Further fine motor skills to develop a secure tripod pencil grip Ongoing: access to climbing and balancing equipment, wheeled toys, small and large construction, balls, finger gym, yoga, music and movement |
Gross motor skills: Team games; Sports Day; Purpose of exercise and the effect it has on our body cutting along a straight and curved line with scissors |
Literacy |
Comprehension; Recall key events in stories |
Comprehension; Sequencing key events in stories; to re-tell a familiar story. Word reading: Recognising some letters. Writing: Writing name with increasing independence. Phonics: Oral Blending and Segmenting. Ongoing access to book corner, puppets, role play, story sacks, story CDs, writing tools, name cards, malleable materials, puzzles. |
Mathematics | Number songs and rhymes. Showing fingers for amounts- counting aloud. Recognising numerals and matching quantities to five. Representing five in different ways and subitising to five. Cardinal principle. Talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes using informal and then mathematical language. Understand and use positional language Repeating patterns: copying, completing, creating and correcting errors Measures: Height |
Number songs and rhymes Showing fingers for amounts- counting aloud Give one more/less from a small group. Solve simple real-world problems to five Rote count to and from 10, showing fingers for amounts Compare quantities- more than, fewer than, the same Select shapes appropriately Combine shapes to make new ones. Sequence events- real or fictional "first, then, next.." Describe a familiar route. Measures: Capacity |
Understanding the World |
Past and present: Life cycles Planting and growing |
Past and present: Pirates; at the seaside. Water; features of the world; floating and sinking |
Expressive Arts and Design | Creating with materials: Patterns in nature- symmetry; colour mixing; collage. Being imaginative and expressive: Butterfly and insects songs, dances and movements Ongoing access to a variety of mark making tools, craft resources, malleable materials, role play, small world toys and musical instruments for child led learning |
Creating with materials: Salt dough/modelling clay sea creatures. Ice cream shop |
Religious Education (RE) | Thank You God for our Wonderful World Father's day Ongoing: Daily prayers and collective worship |
Creation Noah's Ark |
PSHE Jigsaw | Relationships | RSE: Ten Ten resources |