Hot School Meals and Milk
We offer all children the option of a hot school meal at lunchtimes, provided by our catering company, Caterlink.
All meals are cooked on site using fresh ingredients.
Due to a government initiative, from September 2024, all children in Reception to Year 6 are entitled to a free lunch (for one academic year), consisting of two courses, a main course and dessert. If you wish your child to have a free school lunch, this must still be ordered through your ParentPay account every day; no charge will be allocated to your account.
Meals are available at a competitive price for Nursery and Key Stage 2 children; please ensure the required meals are ordered daily through your ParentPay account.
If your child is bringing their own packed lunch, we ask that you do not give your child glass bottles/cans and that healthy lunches are provided. Please avoid sweets, chocolate or crisps in packed lunches.
St Agatha's is a nut-free school, so snacks and lunch boxes should not contain nuts (including some well-known chocolate spread).
Morning Snack
Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 children are given a piece of fruit or vegetable at morning break-time as part of The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
Key Stage 2 children may bring their own piece of fruit or healthy snack.
Ordering Meals
To order meals you need to set up a ParentPay account. Please contact the School Office to receive an activation email detailing the Username and Password needed to set up a new account.
Access your account here.
Summer 2024 - Example Menu