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Board of Governors

St Agatha's Catholic Primary School is an Academy trust that takes the legal form of a charitable limited liability company. The Company has Members rather than shareholders which consist of the current Chair of Governors and two others appointed by the Archbishop of Southwark, and a Board of Governors made up as follows:

The Academy Principal (Head Teacher) - ex offio Governor by virtue of their position
8 Foundation Governors - appointed by the Archbishop of Southwark
2 Staff Governors - elected by employees of the Academy Trust
2 Parent Governors - elected by parents of children at the School
1 Community Governor - appointed by the Board of Governors

All Governors are Trustees of the Academy Trust and Directors of the Academy Trust Company and these titles are often used inter-changebly.

The full Governing Body meets 4 times per year, at the start of the Academic Year and towards the end of each term, and is attended by all Governors.

All Governors except for the Chair are members of one of three key Committees which together look at all aspects of School Life. Committees meet at least once per term or more frequently if required.

Our key Committees are as follows:

  • Curriculum & Achievement
  • Audit & Resources
  • Children, Families & Community

In addition, each Governor acts as a Link Governor for a particular area or subject. We have Link Governors for Safeguarding, Health & Safety, PPG, Finance, Website and Healthy School in addition to the key subjects across the Curriculum. 

In this section you will find further information about the Purpose, Responsibilities and Structure of the Board of Governors as well as information about our Governors, including their names, dates of appointment, terms of office, any relevant business and pecuniary interests and records of their attendance at meetings. 

The agenda for every meeting, approved minutes and any relevant report or document considered at each meeting is available on request, excluding any confidential materials.

Should you wish to contact the Governors you can do so by emailing our Clerk at: