Regular levels of school attendance and good punctuality are essential to achieving academic success. St Agatha's attendance target is 96.9% and the school monitors attendance levels very closely. By ensuring that your child attends school regularly, not booking holidays during term time and scheduling medical and dental appointments outside school hours wherever possible, levels of attendance will increase.
Absence Due to Illness
Any absence due to illness should be reported by telephone or e-mail to the School Office on the day of sickness.
Your child should not return to School for 48 hours after an episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Attendance Table
Please take a look at the results tables showing weekly percentage attendance figures for each class.
This will be shared with the school community each week.
Autumn Term 2
Week 7
Week 6
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
Lateness Impact
For your information, please see the table below which shows the impact of what being late to school, even by just a few minutes, has on your child’s attendance.
Requesting Leave from School
Family holidays during school time will not be authorised by the Headteacher except in very exceptional circumstances. A written request using an absence request form is required in advance for all absences other than sickness.