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- 13. How does the school involve children with SEND in their education and in the decision making process?
13. How does the school involve children with SEND in their education and in the decision making process?
Children have the right to express their views on matters concerning school life. PHSE lessons regularly take place where pupils have the opportunity to discuss any issues. We have a School Council where children are encouraged to share views and opinions about the school. Every classroom has a ‘worry box’, which gives the children an opportunity to share any concerns with their class teacher.
In assessing a SEND pupil’s needs and planning the correct provision, the views of the child are sought and discussed as part of person-centred planning. This is usually accomplished through pupil questionnaires or an informal interview with a trusted adult. Pupils are encouraged to identify Learning Support Plan targets in their own work or practice, and are therefore able to be involved in the review of these at termly meetings. During the EHCP process, the SENCOs is able to support the family in completing ‘Section A’ should this be required.