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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

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  • Spend a Penny Campaign Success!

    Published 22/07/24

    Target reached! 
    What an incredible achievement from everyone involved! Thank you so much to the children, parents, careers, staff and ex-St Agatha’s families who led or supported a range of fundraising initiatives over the course of the last few months – this is truly remarkable!


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  • Year 6 - Henley Fort Trip

    Published 22/07/24

    Year 6 had a great experience at Henley Fort. There were many highlights: being in role as an Air Raid Warden, such as putting out fires with hoses; and throwing pretend grenades as part of the Home Guard. 
    The children also really enjoyed canoeing in the centre of Guilford, scrambling up the climbing wall to see the cathedral and working in teams to complete the orienteering tasks and to cross the challenge course. Staying in yurts, lit by fairy lights with their friends completed the experience. 
    Great fun was had by all. 


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  • Year 2 - Hampton Court Trip

    Published 10/07/24

    A great day was had at Hampton Court by Year 2, despite the weather. The children were thoroughly exhausted by the end of it, but they now know a great deal more about The Tudors. 


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  • Year 5 - Thames Young Mariners

    Published 08/07/24

    Year 5 had an exciting three days at Thames Young Morniers.
    They explored the lake on stand-up paddle boards and kayaks, and played games in open canoes. 
    Shelters, which held off the rain, were expertly created and fires were lit for warmth. 
    The children showed resilience throughout, took many risks and supported each other when challenges required teamwork.

    Well done to Year 5!


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  • Sports Day 2024

    Published 01/07/24

    The sun shone last week on a very successful St Agatha's Sports Day. The children made a huge effort in all their events, whether they were running in races, leaping over hurdles, throwing javelins or jumping the long and high jumps.
    At the end of the day, all the points were added up, and St Francis won the House Cup! In very close joint second place were St Patrick's and St Bernadette's. 

    A big well done to everyone who took part. 


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  • Festival of School Choirs

    Published 01/07/24

    Congratulations to our wonderful school choir who recently took part in the Festival of School Choirs at the Rose Theatre. St Agatha's joined other Kingston Primary Schools in the concert which was led by composer James Redwood and featured three specially commissioned songs with the theme of 'story'.
    For their individual song, St Agatha's gave a polished performance of Fire by Jonathan Dove, accompanied by musicians from Kingston Music Service. Well done everyone!


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  • Year 5/6 Netball Match

    Published 26/06/24

    Massive congratulations to the Year 5 & 6 netballers who played two matches yesterday, in very heated conditions, against Christchurch New Malden.  Both teams showed fantastic sportsmanship and determination with some amazing shooting and defending. 
    Both matches ended up in well-deserved draws - great effort, well done everyone!

    Year 5
    St Agatha's 10:10  CCNM

    Maxwell, Louie, Mia, Hae-min, Max, Kiara, Harry, Jacob L, Mira, Eliya

    Year 6
    St Agatha's 11: 11  CCNM  

    Lauren B, Bella, William, Niamh, James S, Benji, Megan

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  • Royal Academy of Arts

    Published 14/06/24


    Some of St Agatha's artists were amongst those selected for the online gallery and display at the Royal Academy of Arts - huge congratulations to Rose with The Famous Picture and Rosie, and Selena with Dr Dog, both from Robins' class!

    The Famous Picture and Rosie by Rose Davison from Robins
    Dr Dog by Selena Hochegger-Hossain from Robins

    Competition Entries
    Our young talented artists submitted their artwork to the Young Artists’ Summer Show.
    The competition is closed now and the artwork will be judged by the Royal Academy of Arts by the end of May. Well done and good luck!

    Unicorn by Audrei Lai from Larks
    The Sad Turtle by Cara Burnett from Eagles
    Terry the Turtle by Ella Burnett from Pelicans
    Penny the Cat by Ares Liu from Eagles
    Unicorns by Kaley Lai from Eagles
    Breakfast Time by Summer Wong from Swallows


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  • Year 6 Netball

    Published 03/05/24

    Well done to the two Year 6 netball teams who played friendly games against St Luke's School yesterday in glorious sunshine.  Both teams had convincing wins with matches being dominated by superior shooting - well done, the practise paid off.

    Team 1
    St Agatha's 24 : 4 St Luke's

    Megan, Cian, Benji, Chloe, Elodie, Emilia

    Team 2
    St Agatha's 18 : 6 St Luke's

    Psyche, Tilly, Saoirse,  Lauren W, Raphael, Ella B, James

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  • Year 3 visit St Agatha's Church

    Published 22/04/24

    He is Risen! 

    Year 3 have been learning about the Paschal or Easter candle so we visited St Agatha’s Church to see the 2024 Paschal candle. During our visit, we also looked at the beautiful paintings depicting The Stations of the Cross and we saw the empty tomb reminding us that Jesus, our light, is risen. Alleluia!

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  • Wild Science Visit

    Published 18/04/24

    Wow! What an interesting morning Nursery and Year 1 had learning all about animals with Mary from Wild Science.  We met, touched and held Sir Pent the American corn snake, Hop the Australian tree frog, Milly the African giant millipede, Flick the desert leopard gecko and finally Dougal, the Chinchilla from Chile.  

    Thank you Wild Science!

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  • Choir Spring Concert

    Published 28/03/24

    Well done to our fabulous St Agatha’s School Choir who ended the term with their Spring Concert.

    The evening began with the Choir singing the action song Hand Jive, followed by a lilting Skye Boat Song. Then, the audience was entertained with some wonderful solo performances on piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, voice and cello. Well done to our talented soloists. The concert ended with everyone singing Rio Grande in two parts.

    The Choir is looking forward to a well deserved rest and will be back rehearsing at 8am on Tuesday 16th April in preparation for the highlight of their Choral Year, The Festival of Primary School Choirs at The Rose Theatre on Wednesday 19th June.  

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